The Metro East Division Board of the Dallas Builders Association recently presented Lone Star CASA with a check for the combined proceeds from the 2020 Cars for CASA Cruise ($41,337.75) and the 2021 Cars for CASA Car Show ($52.394.72) in the amount of $93,732.47. Metro East has donated almost $600,000 to CASA over the past 16 years. From left are Larry Baty of Cadenhead Servis Gas, Dave Hambley of Lee Lighting, Lone Star CASA Executive Director Lauren Rowe, Lone Star CASA Former Executive Director Lucille Bell, and Doug Bowerman, Susser Bank. Lone Star CASA — Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children — serves Rockwall and Kaufman Counties. This non-profit organization works to provide area courts with the information needed to act in the best interests of abused and neglected children, and to ensure that they’re placed in safe, permanent homes as quickly as possible.
Lone Star CASA Press release
Metro East Division of Dallas Builders Association Donates Almost $100K to Lone Star CASA
Rockwall TX
For Immediate Release
About Lone Star CASA
Founded in 1992, Lone Star CASA — Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children — serves Rockwall and Kaufman Counties in Texas. Lone Star CASA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that supports volunteers who gather important information about abused and neglected children and offer recommendations to judges that help them decide what is the best interests of each child.
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Media Contact
Lauren RoweExecutive Director
(972) 772-5858

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